The calf (triceps surae) is your second heart! Super easy calf exercises that will improve blood flow, metabolism, and balance just by doing this!
ふくらはぎ (下腿三頭筋)は第二の心臓!これだけで血流も代謝もバランスもアップする超簡単ふくらはぎエクササイズ
The calf muscles are the general term for the gastrocnemius muscle, which is involved in movements of the knee and ankle when explosive power is required, such jumping, and the soleus muscle, which is involved in ankle movements when endurance is required, such as walking and maintaining balance. as per the triceps sural. The calves are a muscle that support everything from daily life to sports activities such as walking, running, and jumping.
When the calf muscles contract, they work to return blood to the heart, and act like a pump to send venous blood from the lower body to the heart, so the calves have a major influence on blood flow throughout the body.
When calf muscle strength decreases
If you sit or stand for long periods without moving your lower body, the area around your ankles may swell. When you move your calves less, blood flow tends to stagnate, which can lead to swelling, coldness, decreased metabolism, and stiffness, which also affects blood flow throughout the body.
The calves are also called the second heart, and training the calves has the following benefits:
● 血流が促進され冷えにくくなる Promote blood flow avoiding to cold down
● 地面を蹴る力が強くなり歩行や階段を昇るのが楽になる Force of your kick from the ground becomes stronger, making it easier to walk and climb stairs.
● 代謝が上がる Increases your metabolism
● 片足バランスが取りやすくなる Easier to balance on one leg
● 足首の捻挫などのケガ予防 Preventing injuries such as ankle sprains
● 運動機能の向上 Improving motor function
PART1:踵&つま先上げエクササイズ Heel & toe raise exercise
このエクササイズはヒラメ筋の収縮とストレッチ効果があります。This exercise will contract and stretch the soleus muscle.
1)両膝立ちから片足を前に出し、踵を上げたり下ろしたりする From both knees, put one foot in front of the other and raise and lower the heel.
2)同じ姿勢で、つま先も上げ下ろしする In the same position, raise and lower your toes with the other foot.
PART2:負荷を加えて踵&つま先上げエクササイズ Heel and toe raise exercise with added load
1)両膝立ちから片足を前に出し、両手を膝に乗せて踵を上げたり下ろしたりする。踵を上げる時に両手で押し負荷をかけるのがポイントです From a kneeling position, put one foot in front of the other, place your hands on your knees, and raise and lower your heels. The key is to apply pressure with both hands when raising your heels.
2)同じ姿勢で、つま先も上げ下ろしする In the same position, raise and lower your toes with the other foot.
PART3:片足カーフレイズ Single leg calf raise
このエクササイズでは、ヒラメ筋と腓腹筋、両方が鍛えられる This exercise works both the soleus and gastrocnemius muscles.
1)壁の前に立ち両手か片手を壁に添えてsoete片足になり踵を上げたり下したりを繰り返す。Stand in front of a wall, place both hands or one hand on the wall, stand on one leg, and repeat raising and lowering your heel.
バランスが安定したい場合は椅子isuなどにつかまってもOK。さらに、片足が難しい場合には両足で行ってもOKです If you want to keep your balance stable, you can hold a chair, etc. Additionally, if you find it difficult to do it with one leg, you can also do it with both legs.
PART1〜3をそれぞれ10回ずつ程度繰り返したら、鍛えたふくらはぎとアキレス腱を伸ばしてしっかり血流を促進させましょう。You can do 3 sets of 10 reps of each exercise, stretch your calves and Achilles tendon to promote blood flow.